Monday, June 27, 2005

ASCR accomplishes what ESCR proponents promise

It's not about the cures. It's not about the science. It's not even about the money. At least, it's none of the before the real reason for the support of Embryonic Stem Cell Research: it furthers the view that the embryo and fetus are just clumps of cell. It protects the Sacrament of Abortion that witnesses to the glory of the Great-I-Am. It reinforces the role of the state as the arbiter of all things. This way everyone pays homage to the One Thing that Matters. Of Faith and Reason offers a compelling proof of this here:

In its May 23 edition, the publication [Investor’s Business Daily] noted that there have been more than 250 clinical trials using adult stem cells. These trials have produced eighty therapies.
To date, there have been -- read closely -- no clinical trials and no therapies produced by embryonic stem-cell research.

When society continues to deny the humanity of the most defensless of people, the slaughter of the innocents remains policy. All of us become scarred by this Herodianism. All of us become little tyrants determined to keep our throne of Self-Determination by the blood of children. So fanatical are the Reasonable that push the ESCR agenda that any evidence such as this article will be ignored. It does not fit the picture. It's of no use. How outrageous. How sad. How typically Reasonable!