Friday, June 03, 2005

Fr. Jim Tucker's Daily Sermon: Sacred Heart of Jesus --

at his blog, Dappled Things

The most encouraging words of the day:

"Learn from Me," He says. This command tells us two things: first, that we are imperfect and in need of change; second, that Christ can effect that change, if we would open ourselves to him and submit to Him. Christ's Heart is already opened to us, split wide by a lance: He invites us to open our hearts in return, and allow the exchange of burdens to take place. That Heart is the visible symbol of the totality of His burning love for us and the tenderness of His wounded humanity.

I know this well. The trouble I have is living it. All to easy, I charge the windmills or laugh in the sands of waste. All to often, it's either totally up to God or totally up to me.

Blessed be our Lord God, that through his Son, I can experience the peace and love of His sacred heart and the union of His presence through Jesus Christ. It's totally him and totally me--with him according to his will. For I can't change by myself. I know because I have tried too often and remained in the sad, sorry state in which I began. He can. He will when I turn my will and life over to his care. When I act as a member of His body, filled with his spirit through union in prayer, sacrament and service, then I can live in authentic peace.

Fr. Jim's compassionate message reminds me of the Truth once again and inspires me to live in the Truth more fully, once again. Thanks, Father!