Monday, June 20, 2005

There must be something in the water

Is this the MSM talking? " - Embryonic stem-cell research hasn't worked. There are better roads to follow."

Check out this opening:

THE WAY some members of Congress were acting last month, you would think that they helped to discover evidence for real unicorns, King Arthur, and the Twelve Labors of Hercules. Certainly the cures promised using embryonic stem-cell research have taken on mythical proportions. Some of the most burdensome of human diseases and conditions are at the top of the list: diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and spinal-cord injury.

A majority of members in the House of Representatives bought into the myth and passed legislation that would allow federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research. Yet for all of the promises, in the 20-plus years of research that has been done in the private sector on embryonic stem cells, there are no clinical applications, no human trials, no treatments, and no cures.



Whoa! Common sense on the common pages? Who'd a thunk it? More Fools in print every day. About time.

Check it out!