Monday, July 11, 2005

laodicea on the Political Compass

laodicea has discovered the Political Compass. I found this site a few years ago. When I took it, I came up dead centered: 0,0. Right at the intersection of the X and Y axis. That's me. The absolute centrist. Militant independent.

He has a bum link to it. The one I used is here. There introduction offer some perspective on their classification system:
There's abundant evidence for the need of it. The old one-dimensional categories of 'right' and 'left' , established for the seating arrangement of the French National Assembly of 1789, are overly simplistic for today's complex political landscape. For example, who are the 'conservatives' in today's Russia? Are they the unreconstructed Stalinists, or the reformers who have adopted the right-wing views of conservatives like Margaret Thatcher ?
On the standard left-right scale, how do you distinguish leftists like Stalin and Gandhi? It's not sufficient to say that Stalin was simply more left than Gandhi. There are fundamental political differences between them that the old categories on their own can't explain. Similarly, we generally describe social reactionaries as 'right-wingers', yet that leaves left-wing reactionaries like Robert Mugabe and Pol Pot off the hook.
See where you wind up!