Tuesday, August 30, 2005

the nameless church

Reader Chris Kirk is one of the contributers of the nameless church.

As he notes in an email to me, I blogged about their work here.

They're doing an admirable jop trying to draw attention to the situation in Darfur. Take a look at their most recent offering:
The nameless church is having a dialog discussion on Genocide at the Wounded Bookshop on Friday, August 12th at 7:30 p.m.

Genocide is a plague of our world where an entire ethnic or racial group is systematically exterminated. This has happened many times in the 20th century including the Holocaust of the Jews, in the killing fields of Cambodia in the mid-70s, and Bosnia and Rawanda in the late 90s. But this terrifying mindset still exists and is alive and well in Darfur, Sudan. Despite two years of continuos genocide, news from Darfur is being overshadowed by celebrity trials and an American-centric media circus.
Be sure to check them out!