Thursday, August 18, 2005

Political Correctness over Respect and Integrity

Hat tip to a googling reader for this one!

The choice of PC over R and I is always an unfortunate one. I'm honestly surprised and dissappointed that the organizers of WYD would reverse themselves and allow a band to perform that publically disrespected the Pope. I'm not scandalized or devestated, however. A rock band, in the end, is a rock band. In a way, The WYD officials' decision is an act of mercy; they demonstrate that Catholics, the Pope and they forgive this band for their unfortunate and unhelpful statement. In spite of this, I still think that this reversal sends the wrong message.

Catholic World News reports:
In a new twist to the controversy surrounding the statements by the Argentine Protestant rock band RESCATE against Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news), German organizers of World Youth Day said they have decided let the band go ahead with their performance during the event’s closing concert.

On Tuesday, WYD officials said that because of the band’s statements against the Pope, made during an interview with the Chilean website, RESCATE would be eliminated from the roster of those scheduled to perform at the concert. On Thursday, however, officials said the announcement of the band’s removal from the program was due to an “internal misunderstanding.”
The band issued this clarification:
“From Spain, where we are on tour at the time, we write with heavy hearts to communicate to you our deep consternation over the comments about certain phrases we used that were construed to seem to be against the Pope Benedict XVI”.

“We feel that the declarations that RESCATE is accused of making referring to the Pope, during an interview in Chile and that have been published in different websites, have been taken out of context."

“It was never our intention to disqualify or ridicule the Pope, nor discredit his authority as the maximum authority of the Roman Catholic Church nor underestimate his influence as a world leader, and therefore we humbly request your forgiveness if we have unintentionally offended anyone in any way.”

“We respect Benedict XVI as the maximum spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, we have not meant to offend his person or office in any way. We are praying for him, that he will be greatly used by God everyday of his life and especially on this World Youth Day where so many young people will be gathered together awaiting his words,”
Yes, the band certainly sounds contrite. They clearly have doned the sackcloth and ashes. They clearly are sorry they lost the biggest Christian venue offended Catholics worldwide when they were invited to perform for them. They never meant to give offense. Fine and good.

What did they mean, then?

For look at their original statement:
“Personally, we don’t think the Pope is God’s representative on earth. Jesus came to do away with any intermediary between God and man, and therefore we have a direct relationship with Him.”

To me the Pope’s strength is more political than spiritual,” said vocalist and band leader Ulises Eyherabide. “This Pope, who is so orthodox, so rigid and not very ecumenical in eyes of some, could turn out to be a surprise because of how he might be forced to change due to political situations from which he cannot escape.” “Replacing John Paul II obviously has more of a political than a spiritual significance,” he added.
Now, a Catholic Fool could make a lot of observations about this statement. He could remark on the band's disdain for the Pope as "God's representative on earth." That's not surprising: the band is protestant, after all. It's in a little bad taste to flatly contradict the Faith of 1.1 billion Catholics and just under half a million pilgrims when you're scheduled to perform for them. Still, if it's over the top, it's not over the sides. Still, that's not the only problem a Fool could observe. The other has to do with the Pope and politics.

This statement refers to the Pope as a political leader or a political participant at least three times. Now, it's one thing for protestants to deny the Pope his importance as the Vicar of Christ. It's quite another to deny him the Spiritual role of his office! That is what this band has done. Three times! Just re-read the excerpts of the bands statement that I emphasized. Yeah, now they're far over the top and kicking in the after-burner! They would need to make quite a clarification and apology to make up for this kind of idiotic and offensive blather.

They chose instead to sputter up the usual P.R. drivel of they're words were "taken out of context." They wax apologetic for other's offense at their offensive message. But do they say they were wrong? Well, let's see:
“It was never our intention to disqualify or ridicule the Pope, nor discredit his authority as the maximum authority of the Roman Catholic Church nor underestimate his influence as a world leader"
What then, did they intend when they said this?
“Personally, we don’t think the Pope is God’s representative on earth. Jesus came to do away with any intermediary between God and man, and therefore we have a direct relationship with Him.”
Were they just trying to establish their Protestant bona fides? Emulate the slick media imaging of the sincere-believing Bono? Generate some buzz? If so, they acted like rank amateurs. Release a few platinum records and sell out a few world tours. You might get away with it then. Now, that statement by itself is certainly in bad taste. In context with the rest of their statement, however, it just pours salt on the wounds. I'm not satisfied with the rest of their "apology," either:
“We respect Benedict XVI as the maximum spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, we have not meant to offend his person or office in any way.
They have an ironic way of showing their respect:
To me the Pope’s strength is more political than spiritual,” said vocalist and band leader Ulises Eyherabide. “This Pope, who is so orthodox, so rigid and not very ecumenical in eyes of some, could turn out to be a surprise because of how he might be forced to change due to political situations from which he cannot escape.” “Replacing John Paul II obviously has more of a political than a spiritual significance,”
They respect the man by implying he's an also-ran compared to John Paul the Great. They respect the office by calling it more "political" that "spiritual". If these are great demonstrations of respect, I'd hate to hear what they say to those they don't respect! The last piece of the charade comes in the middle of their statement of sincere regret:
"...therefore we humbly request your forgiveness if we have unintentionally offended anyone in any way.”
They request Catholics' forgiveness if they've unintentionally offended them? What kind of a lame, lawyerly cop-out is that? Did David apologize to the Lord if he unintentially offended him? Did Zacharius the tax collector apologize to those he extorted if he unintentionally offended them? What ludicrous and shameful behavior! The statement of this band is not the ownership of responsibility that characterizes a contrite heart. It's the duplicitious contrivance of opportunists that have been caught. All Fools should laugh them out of the room! This Christian band dishonors their Lord with this crude bit of lawyerly P.R.

As a Catholic Fool, I forgive them their offense. As a Catholic Fool, however, I'm also troubled to see WYD organizers reward their lack of genuine contrition. The WYD officials have sent the message that Non-Catholic Christian performers do not need to take the Pope seriously in order to perform at a Catholic pilgrimage for the young. Neither Catholics nor Non-Catholic Christians benefit from such dishonor. RESCATE should not perform at this WYD. They should make an honest apology. Then, they may perform for WYD next year. How unfortunate that this won't be the case.

How sad. Dare I say it: how Foolable!