Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Troglodyte on "Turning the Stem Cell Ship"

The Troglodyte sees America "Turning the Stem Cell Ship." He cites a Gallop poll that shows support for ESCR has peaked and begun to drop. Note the good news:
A new Gallup poll sponsored by CNN and USA Today finds the level of support for using taxpayer funds for embryonic stem cell research on the decline. The poll has a majority of Americans backing federal funding, which is out of step with other surveys showing the opposite.

The new Gallup poll, conducted in early August, finds 56 percent the federal government should "fund research that would use newly created stem cells obtained from human embryos." Forty percent say the government should not fund such research.
Looks like all the laughing of Fools is finally wakening some people up. The Reasonable must be having a fit!


Maybe they'll wise up and get Foolish.