Wednesday, August 31, 2005

TTLB has the "Katrina Blog Relief Day" ready to go

TZ Bear has worked hard to implement Hugh Hewitt and Glenn Reynolds excellent suggestions. He's set up the Katrina Blog Relief Day! Says the Bear:
I'm not in charge of this project. Nobody is. I'm stepping in to provide a way for bloggers to indicate their support for the effort because, well, I can. This is what I can do, and I encourage everyone to think about what they can do to support the goal we all share: to raise as much money and support for relief efforts to aid those effected by Katrina as we possibly can.
Thanks, all. Now let's do some good...
Yes! Let loose the hounds! Communication is what we do! Let's do what we do best for the best of causes! I don't know about the rest of you, but my heart breaks for the loss the New Orleaneans experience. There's so little I can do about it; participating in this is something I can do! We all can!

For the record, I plan to support the charitable work of Catholic Charities. TTLB has a list of several charities that other bloggers have pledged to support. He's also requesting reputable charities be added to the list.

If you haven't already signed up, do so! You'll be glad you did!