Saturday, September 24, 2005

Be Patient, as the Lord is Patient

Catholic Exchange has the Homily of the Day

Witness Monsignor Clark's encouraging testimony! If you've struggled with holiness, you're not alone! Most importantly, God understands. While he expects the best from us, our Father knows that sanctity takes time:
It can be mighty discouraging and can even make us want to give up. But before we do that, it might be a good idea to see what God has to say about it. He's trying to catch our attention. He's calling us by name. LISTEN!

"I've been walking at your side from the very beginning," he says, "and following your progress with great hope. And that's why I asked Jesus to tell you the story about the two sons. Because you are like the both of them: Sometimes you say 'yes' to me, but then get distracted or tired and your 'yes' accidentally turns into a 'no.'

"And sometimes you start with a loud 'NO!' and then your better self takes over and you turn it round into the beginning of a 'yes' — maybe a little shakey at first, but a beginning. And that makes me so proud of you, because I know what turnarounds cost.

"I know," says the Lord, "that sometimes you don't see the progress you're making. You feel disappointed that you haven't done better, faster. Dear child, I'm not surprised at all. These things take time. I knew that when I made you.
Approach-avoidance plagues many of us. We may often take two steps forward and then one step back. On our good days! Thankfully, we worship a God who is slow to anger, rich in mercy and who loves us enough to sacrifice his own Son for us! He created us and understands how difficult, and time-consuming, growth in Love can be.

As long as we open ourselves to him, and say yes to him as best we can each day, we will become more in Christ each day. Growth takes time and effort. Let us have patience with ourselves: the same patience that God already shows us.