Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Pro Ecclesia discovers Atheists that demand "No Prayer For Katrina Victims"

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Note the regrettable consumption of bandwidth:
The American Atheists organization says President Bush should stop urging prayer for Hurricane Katrina victims because it violates the Constitution.

Ellen Johnson, president of the group said Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and Bush "should not be violating the Constitution by telling people to pray for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. It's unconstitutional for government officials to be promoting religion; and besides, judging from the speed of some relief efforts, officials should be busy working instead of preaching."
Here's a group that doesn't get it. Katrina's aftermath is not about them. It's not about their whining. It's not about their pointless, public carping government officials alleged violations of the Constitution.

It's about survivors getting help. If the least government officials can do is ease their suffering by asking the rest of us to pray for them, then they're right to do it.

It's a shame some don't know that their silence is more valued then their words.