Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Whistling Past the Graveyard

The Reasonable have spoken. Italy has Foolishly denied Sovereign Individuals the duty to pursue the One Thing that Matters in all its glory. Catholic World News reports that "L'Osservatore raps domestic-partner proposal"

The details:
The Vatican newspaper has come out strongly in opposition to a proposal for "domestic partner" legislation in Italy.

In its September 14 edition*, L'Osservatore Romano criticizes Romano Prodi, the leader of the Italian political opposition, for promising that a domestic-partnership proposal will be part of the campaign platform for the forces challenging President Silvio Berlusconi in national elections next spring. Prodi made the promise to Italy's leading homosexual-rights group, Arcigay.
Never mind that 23, yes, 23 people have registered for same-sex marriages in Spain. Never mind that Italians have recently defeated referendums that would have liberalized IVF regulations. The Reasonable have spoken. The Agenda will move forward.

Why don't they just hand Berlusconi the victory now and get it over with? I can't stop laughing already!