Saturday, October 15, 2005

UN ideology and Abstinence Reality

Paul over at Thoughts of a Regular Guy follows up my post on the UNs latest hypocrisy with some interesting points of his own. Among his ruminations:
Remember, it's not about preventing disease; it's about preventing embarrassment to the UN. The fact that abstence is successful doesn't matter. The insistance (by an anti-Catholic Canadian UN official that a successful program must be "dogma driven" only serves to demonstrate his absolute fidelity to his own unholy dogmas. Well I say, if it's working, keep it up. And other places that would also like to lower their AIDS infection rates might take note.

After all, you never know when you'll get another shipment of defective condoms.
Indeed! When a UN envoy to Africa denounces an HIV/AIDS prevention program with a proven track record of success, and then extolls a failed methodology, he's sending a clear message to Africans. Whether he realizes it or not, Mr. Lewis tells them that their deaths do not matter. Only the sanctity of the UN's prestige matters. Stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa takes a back seat to promoting the Agenda. Anyone that criticizes the UN for this skewered sense of priorities is a "dogmatic" and barbaric ignoramus of the most Unreasonable kind.

Maybe it's just me. I thought that the purpose of combatting HIV/AIDS was to reduce occurences of the virus and its deadly disease. When did fast-tracking the sexual revolution become the barn-burner?

Go read Paul's entire post. He makes a solid case against the UNs Reasonable insanity.