Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Catholic Fire on "UN Warning: Pill/Cancer Link"

Jean Marie Heimann of Catholic Fire makes a fascinating discovery. A French affiliate of the UN's World Health Organization warns that a strong positive correlation exists between consumption of the pill and increased risk of breast, cervical and liver cancers.

The stunning details:
Women increase their risk of breast, cervical and liver cancer if they use oral contraceptives, according to a press release by the Lyon, France-based International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO). Other recent studies show the greatest cancer risk is to young women, particularly teenagers, who use the pill.

...According to the Lancet Oncology article, “...combined estrogen-progestagen oral contraceptives … are carcinogenic to humans [Group 1], after a thorough review of the published scientific evidence,” Group 1 is the highest cancer-risk classification. is estimated that worldwide, more than 100 million women — about 10% of all women of reproductive age — currently use combined hormonal contraceptives

......Ovarian and endometrial cancer risk declines with use of oral contraceptives, the working group also noted.

“Because use of combined contraceptives heightens the risk of some cancers and reduces that of others, it is possible that the overall net public-health outcome could be beneficial, but a rigorous analysis is needed to show this,” the World Health Organization ad hoc group said in their report.
Wait until the Reasonable Free pursuers of the One Thing that Matters find out about this one! Between losing abortion as an included "treatment" in women's "reproductive health" and this, they'll wonder why their Reasonable Mecca of internationalism and Nanny Statism is acting so Foolish.

Oh, can I laugh any louder?

Praise God almighty that the truth of how dangerous the Pill is can get into the open. I haven't seen a wiff of a headline yet, but it doesn't matter. Ms. Heimann has broken the story; the blogosphere will take care of the rest.

Abusing the gift of sex through contraception can cost women their lives. The more Fools laugh away the preposterous and exhausted claims of the wonderfulness of libertinism, the more lives we'll save. Keep laughing, Fools! Keep laughing!