Monday, November 28, 2005

Gasp! The Catholic Church in Missouri Asks Catholics to be Catholic!

Reasonable enthusiast for ESCR are shocked (shocked!) that the Catholic Church still expects Catholics to be Catholic. KSDK NewsChannel 5 has the story here.

At issue is the Church's opposition to a proposed ammendment to the State's constitution. This ammendment would prohibit the criminalization of ESCR within the state. Witness the mouth-foaming that follows:
The issue of embryonic stem cell research has reached Missouri's Catholic churches. Sunday, parishioners were told not to support this kind of medical research.

Rev. Thomas Keller of the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis said, "The destruction of human life, even in it's embryonic form, is something that is evil that we don't want to participate in. We want to educate our folks that there's more to the story than simply saying this is a type of research on human cells."

The message is in response to a proposed constitutional amendment to prevent any stem cell research from getting banned in Missouri.

Donn Rubin is chairman of Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures which is proposing the amendment.

Rubin said, "The legislation that was proposed in the Missouri legislature would have made criminals not only of researchers but of patients and physicians who participated in delivering therapies and cures."

Rubin said a constitutional amendment is the only way to protect stem cell research in Missouri.

"If the FDA approves a cure that's developed as being safe and effective we want to make sure Missouri patients will have access and Missouri patients and their families won't have to travel to other parts of the country to get treatments or be condemned here in Missouri to second class healthcare."

The Catholic church supports adult stem research, but not embryonic stem cell research.
Yes, Mr. Rubin, I'm certain that opponents of ESCR truly want to throw sick patients in jail along with cha-ching!-happy enthusiasts for Moloch's new cover story. It's not about taking lives, you see, it's about saving lives. And those mean religious zealots and Fools want to take that away from Reasonable people donchaknow!

It's no surprise, then, to watch Mr. Rubin go all utilitarian in his efforts to protect the Agenda:
But Rubin said the cells come from extra fertilized eggs that are no longer needed at a fertility clinic.

"It is from those which are frozen away and will either be frozen indefinitely and decay in the freezer or will be thrown away as medical waste and incinerated as medical waste. It is from that source those fertilized eggs that embryonic stem cells can be extracted."
How much mileage would Mr. Rubin's argument get if one replaced the words "fertilized eggs" with "unborn children."

Well, the Reasonable would probably sputter in rage. After all, everyone knows how Foolish it is to call a mere fertilized egg a child. Even if a fertilized egg is actually a zygot, which, incidently, develops into that phase of humanity we call childhood. If he or she is allowed to, that is.

But such language is not helpful to moving forward the Agenda. And it cuts into the cha-ching! factor, too! Can't have that, now.

Therefore, those meddlesome Catholic Clergy better no their role and keep their mouth shut on a public square issue like this! Can't leave the Square open to just any Fool, after all!