Saturday, November 05, 2005

Marie Bains To Violate Church's Integrity, Secure Her "Rights."

Katelyn Sills of Stand Up and Speak Out reports that dimissed Loretto High School teacher Marie Bain has filed complaints with the State against Loretto, the diocese of Sacramento and the Dioceses' Archbishop, William Weigand. She links to this story in the Sacramento Bee (Registration required!):
A former Loretto High School drama teacher alleged Thursday that her firing last month for having volunteered at a Planned Parenthood clinic was a case of sexual and religious discrimination and violated her free-speech rights.

Marie Bain, 50, of Sacramento, filed two separate employment complaints Thursday with the state against Loretto, the religious order that sponsors the school, the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento and Bishop William K. Weigand.

One complaint - with the state Department of Labor - calls for an investigation of the employment practices of the diocese. The other - with the state Department of Fair Employment and Housing - is a first step toward a lawsuit.

"Loretto rightly prides itself as an academic institution committed to vigorous debate of ideas and beliefs," said Bain's attorney, John M. Poswall of Sacramento. "Unfortunately, the action of the bishop, cowering to noisy fundamentalists, threatens to turn Loretto into a Taliban-style institution of thought control and repression."

James Sweeney, an attorney for the diocese, who had not yet seen the complaints, said he's confident the diocese handled the case appropriately.

"It's purely an internal matter of church discipline and is protected by the First Amendment," he said.

Weigand called for Bain's firing in early October in response to demands from an anti-abortion activist and mother of a Loretto student.

Weigand argued that Bain's previous volunteer work presented an irreconcilable conflict with church teachings and set a poor example for students at the all-girls school.
I truly love the modern hysterics of today's lawyers. According to Mr. Poswell, The Catholic Church's insistence that Catholic High School teachers model Catholic teaching is a stone-cold, lead-pipe turn to the Talibanesque! Great spinning, counselor! Great spinning! I'm certain your Reasonable interpretation of the facts will carry the day with any fair-minded and Foolish jury. Please, keep digging! You'll bury Ms. Bain far better than any Bishop.

Private institutions do not have the same obligations to support constitutional rights that their public counterparts do. Ms. bain would have a case if a public school had dismissed her for her reckless disregard of Catholic doctrine. She has no standing to make this case against Catholic institutions. Mr. Poswall may bloviate all he wants before the lapping dogs of the Reasonable MSM. He's doing the best he can outside of Court to pressure the Church into a settlement because he has no case inside. The Diocese of Sacramento appears willing to call his bluff.

Ms. Bain could honor her invincibly ignorant conscience by seeking employment in the Sacramento Public School system. Her continued manipulation of her own disintegrated behavior demonstrates that her mission never coincided with Loretto High School's, however wonderful her Drama classes may have been. She honors no one with her continued pushing of the Agenda. Least of all herself.

Stand the line, Your Eminence. Let not the wolves feast among the sheep, no matter what ruse they indulge in order to dress as sheep. Stand and remain the true Shepherd that you've been. The Catholic Church can't express her gratitude for your courage enough. Continue to demonstrate it, please.