Saturday, December 10, 2005

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Thy beauty is so wanting

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
Your needles fall so halting

You fold your branches up too high,
Can't hang my lights up to the sky

O Christmas tree, O Christmas Tree,
It's time to make you lovely!

Yes, it's that time of the year again. The Blushing Bride and I will now decorate our Christmas Tree. So, to provide for your endless appetite for amusement and enlightenment, I offer you the fruits of other bloggers to bide your time. Until next time!
Christopher Blosser of Against the Grain offers a terrific round-up of the blogosphere happenings, Catholic and beyond!

Please keep Mark Shea in your prayers. His Father-In-Law passed away suddenly.

Eve Tushnet is a must-read.

MJA over at Southern Appeal notes another Democrat mouth-foamers' retreat--brought about by a blogger!

An eclectic round-up of everything over at Cosmos-Liturgy-Sex