Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Foolish Woman's Opinion--from The Gleaner

Right here:

"Allowing stem cell research on embryos is like taking life into your own hands and playing God...deciding who will live and who will die. Each cell is the beginning of life, without these cells there would be no life, no stem cells, nothing!

Those who think life begins at birth need to reconsider their thinking on this issue. To justify the taking of another life to start another is barbaric. Only our maker has the right to decide our fate."

What more needs to be said?

Once, we as a society shuddered to even consider these possibilities. They had the stench of Nazism. These days, we seem to have gotten over it. At least, the Reasonable have. That's why it's good to hear that one reader of Reasonable rags like the Gleaner is a Fool. More power to you, Mrs. Ashby. Laugh out even louder. The Truth has to get through some time.