Thursday, May 19, 2005

McCain joins with Dems to save filibuster--Senate "Too to Close to Call" on Abolishing Filibusters of Judges

The presidency, two houses of congress, numerous state governorships, and 11 referendums that correlate to the party platform; still, the Republicans can't get it togetherAh, the joys of being the party in power

Where mavericks looking to secure their 2008 nomination court the middle ground as it surfs on quicksand! It's apparently important to McCain that he appear moderate. Damn shame. Being an extremist on the issue of life is only Common Sense in these days of Uncommon Nonsense on Psychotropic Steroids((TM), with apologies to G.K. Chesterton). By extreme, of course I don't mean violent--how is the cause of protecting life served by murder? Duh! No, I mean standing with ones peers in support of judges that will stand for Life and law. Apparently, this is the new extreme, according to the (screaming disciples of moloch) Senate Democratic leadership.

I carry no water for either party. How can I? I'm Catholic. I carry water for the Savior. According to His Body on earth, there is the right way and the wrong way to live with my neighbor. The right way is to respect the life and dignity of my neighbor, to love him as myself and serve him in solidarity. The wrong way is to use him any damn way I want, no matter how hurt he gets. In other words, I stand on Catholic Social Doctrine. That doctrine begins with the inherent dignity of every person, which includes his right to life from womb to tomb. The Republicans get that, or at least pay more serious lip service to it, in principle and in practice. One may argue whether or not their economic policy promotes life. One can't argue with whether or not the Dem's discipleship to the Pro-Abortion industry promotes death to the most vulnerable and innocent of us all.

The charade of the whole "minority's right to anti-majoritian government measures", which senators like Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer have been snowing the country with for days, breaks apart like dried manure in the wind. The only reason the dems will filibuster the President's judicial nominees is because the nominees stand for Life and will interprete the law and the constitution as it reads. They will not make ridiculous interpretations of the 14th ammendment that allow judges to wax philosophical about true freedom. They will stand with the culture of the majority of us that understand in our hearts how 1973 changed us all for the worst. They will be the vanguard that finally puts an end to the greatest tragedy in our nation's history since slavery. The pro-aborts know this: they can't legislate their way to legitimacy. Roe v. Wade and the Reasonable moral relativists that defend it stand as the only liscense Planned Parenthood and their ilk will ever have. Their disciples, the Democratic party, cannot allow the Republicans to take this beachead.

It's beyond ridiculous that any republican, let along Senator John McCain, who made such a claim on his Catholic identity during the primary season before November 2000. What a stink about Bush's appearance at Bob Jones university! Yet now, he will join the democrats in protecting their filibuster, even though it has never been used against judicial nominees in the history of the Republic. How Reasonable. How shameful.