Sunday, May 22, 2005

Relapsed Catholic and the WP on The Religious Left's Lies

Apparently, ideology trumps theology. At least, for some "Christians" it does. Get the story here.

Some tidbits include:

If such a body of belief exists, I would totally reject it, as would all of my friends. When asked who believed such error, where adherents to this 'false gospel' might be found, the NCC turned to its theological sources, Moyers and a magazine called Grist, which had also apologized to me. I then contacted the chairman of the NCC task force and asked him about the 'some people' who believe this false gospel and the 'proud preachers' advancing this false gospel. He could not name such persons.

I wonder if this would be a good example of "wolves in sheeps' clothes". Could I even call these people Christian. We are the light of the world when we are united with him in His Body. Can we lie outright and expect to remain united with him? Neither can they.

Apparently, environmental concerns trump truth. Dividing and marginalizing "conservative" christians is all right if it furthers the goal of the new Heaven-on-earth paradise of environmental balance. The trouble is, if one lies in order to further the truth, one destroys the truth. Christians can't be machievellians. St. Paul has spoken with the Spirit's inspiration: Jesus will not have us do evil to accomplish goods.

IOW, the ends do not justify the means. Perhaps these Foolables can put down the Mother Earth guidebooks and the Moyers Talking Points long enough to at least take this part of the Bible seriously.

via Relapsed Catholic