Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Contemplating the Laundry reminds us of what really matters

Jordan of Contemplating the Laundry has the conclusion of this Christianity Today editorial. The money quote:

'Christians' first political responsibility is to be the church, and by being the church they should understand that their first political loyalty is to God, and the God we worship as Christians, in a manner that understands that we are not first and foremost about making democracy work, but about the truthful worship of the true God.'

Christians are here to bring Christ to the world. We do this through our participation in his life here and now, which subsists in his Body, the Church. We pray, participate in his sacraments and serve our neighbors. Thus, we share Christ's presence with the world one relationship at a time.

Any social order and polity that facilitates this is the platform for which we stand. Any that impede this we must oppose. Thus, our loyalty to any form or substance of politics is only as a means to implementing our devotion to our true Sovereign. That may be difficult for some of us to hear. Life is difficult. So is Living in Truth and Love. However, when we place our trust in the Lord, then we find that such a difficult life is truly an easy yoke and a light burden. Compared to the slavery to sin that we have been freed from, such lifting of our Cross to follow him is privilidge.

Even as I say this, I sense my own concupescience roar within me. I feel temptation's seductive carass. But I know where temptation has led me before. I know, too, that my sins continue to be legion, but that in Christ I am forgiven and made whole and holy. Thus, I do not need to live as though this moment were all I had. I do not need to acquire whatever pride, power or pleasure the darkness that passes for our culture demands that I pursue. I am free to follow the King. If I chose.

It is a choice all face. May all of us make the wise one.