Friday, June 10, 2005

I don't know how I missed this, but Happy Catholic found

The last nail in Western Civilization's coffin.

The self-worship cult has officially jumped the shark. It's not enough now to just shrug off adultry as another couple's private affair. Now the market must support the need of people that believe adultry is a right of lifestyle, not a mortal sin. Somehow it's seen as just an issue between adults. Unfortunately, it's not. It's a betrayal of children. The man or woman who cheats on a spouse also cheats on his or her children.

That's why I thought of a card this organization should market, if they wanted a modicum of respectability:

I miss you.

I love it when
you're home to tuck me in at night.

I love it when
you read me bed time stories

I feel safe when
I cry out at night and you come

But you're gone so often
I wonder if you still care

I love you and miss you
I can't wait to see you

Just like I did before.