Friday, June 03, 2005

Treasure Hunt at St. Blog's Parish hall

MaryH over at Ever-New and St. Blog's Parish hall tagged me!

My mission? To find the following from Catholic Bloggers. When I found something, I was to cite the Blog, the permalink post and the identity of the sought-after phenomena. Here's what I found:

1. An ordinary object
A) A Voice from Eden
B) going out to smell the roses
C) flower

2. Animal
A) Southern Appeal
B) Cute-alert-awwwwwwwwww
C) kitten

3. Food
A) A Little Flower Garden
B) Eggs Benedict
C) Eggs Benedict

4. Poem and Art!

A) A Voice from Eden
B) from "Jazzonia" by Lanston Hughs
C) Poem and art

5. Measurement

A) A Certain Slant of Light
B) my friend Flicka
C) Length/distance

So, now that I've accomplished my mission, I'm passing the batton to:

Happy Catholic

Musings of a Catholic Convert

A Voice from Eden

Tag! You're it!