Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Casus and Ius Belli in Iraq, Redux

The Troglodyte looks at Just War Doctrine, the case for Why the US invaded, and concludes he'd go in again:
It has, of course, become de rigeuer to say that the War in Iraq is now illegitimate because 1800 servicemen have given "their last full measure" while there were no weapons of mass destruction.
All things considered, knowing then what we know now, would I support the Iraq invasion? Yeah, I think I would.
He also links to this post that I wrote in response to Professor Bainbridge's scathing critique of the war. Thanks, Trog!

Welcome, Troglodyte readers!

Getting back on subject, I had my own concerns about the US casus belli. Lately, I'm wondering about the Ius in Bellum regarding the war, particularly in light of post-war policy. When I read this:
there must be serious prospects of success;
I cringe.

Unless the US changes tactics in Iraq, I wonder how much longer there will be "serious prospects of success." Yes, much of the country has been pacified, except for the Sunnis in the "Triangle." Yes, the Iraqi people elected a new provisional government in the face of murderous opposition by terrorists. Yes, this provisional government has drafted a constitution.

However, the violence within the Triangle, including Baghdad, has killed a horrendous number of servicemen and civilians. The Sunnis effectively boycotted the national elections in January 2005. Sunnis representatives in the government have scuttled agreement on the proposed constitution twice. Now, Kurds from the North and Shia Iraqis in the south propose federalism and some form of Sharia law, both of which the Sunnis abhor.

Things do not look good. And we can't leave until they do. To cut and run would be an act of cowardice and a betrayal of our sacred honor. Immediate withdrawal also sends the message that terrorists can defeat the United States of America. We can afford neither of these shameful results.

Therefore, The Administration had better adjust the plan so that "serious prospects of success" become likely again. The Iraqis, and the families of our fallen, deserve no less!