Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wow! The Sudan Tribune Covers the Coalition!

The SudanTribune publishes Dawn Eden's Daily News coverage of the Coalition for Darfur! Another rider of the Apocalypse? Here's a teaser:
This story begins with a Northern liberal and a Southern conservative engaging in a war of words - and ends with a joint effort to stop real-life violence. The liberal, who calls himself Eugene Oregon, first E-mailed the conservative, Feddie, to tell him that he was flat-out wrong. Feddie, a Georgia lawyer whose real name is Steve Dillard, had written on Southern Appeal (southernappeal.blogspot.com) in support of federal judicial nominee William Pryor.

Oregon, who writes for Demagogue (demagogue.blogspot.com), was vehemently opposed to it.

As the pair carried out a point/counterpoint dispute over Pryor in their blogs, they delved further into each other’s blogs and discovered something in common. They were both alarmed at the killings in the Darfur region of Sudan, and frustrated at the international community’s lack of response.
Read the whole thing.

Never underestimate the power of the Christian Conscience. If you're a blogger, join the coalition. Spread the word! The nations of the civilized world will only say "Never Again" and mean it if we put our boots on their neck. So strap them on and let's get busy!