Thursday, August 18, 2005

Catholic Pillow Fight likes my Foolishness

Tony Miller links to my post on the Reasonable excesses of the Boston Globe at his excellent blog, Catholic Pillow Fight. Note that I've shamelessly stolen his Adam-and-Eve-get-the-boot image as well. ;)

He makes an excellent point about the Agenda and Lucifer's sin of Pride:
What most don't understand is that this is precisely what got Adam and Eve spanked and sent to their room for the forseeable future. Before that, there was a gentleman named Lucifer who made the same mistake. The mistake is thinking you know what is right and wrong better than God.
Amen, brother! Preach it!

Unfortunately, our species has spent several millenia perfecting new ways to make this old mistake. The Reasonable elites obsession with the Agenda is just the latest fashion of it. No wonder Fools fall over themselves laughing about it! How many more times will we find the same joke so atrociously funny? Only God knows!