Monday, August 08, 2005

Catholics in the Public Square on Mario Cuomo's Anti-Catholicism

Catholics in the Public Square has the goods here. Does the term "self-hating Catholic" mean anything to you, Mr. Cuomo? Why, then, do you hold to the following:
"Mario Cuomo said yesterday on 'Meet the Press' that he wants senators to ask John Roberts the following questions: 'Are you going to impose a religious test on the Constitution? Are you going to say that because the pope says this or the Church says that, you will do it no matter what?'
Funny, this sounds familiar, Mr. Quomo. Where have I heard this before? Oh, yeah! When another prominent Catholic in Public Life seeked the high office of another branch of the Federal Government, Liberals of the time evidently had this to say:
Author James A. Michener recalled feeling quite startled when guests at publisher Bennett Cerf's early 1960 dinner party challenged John F. Kennedy's presidential candidacy on religious grounds. In an educated, professional crowd, Michener encountered "American liberals [who] ... had the most serious and deep-seated fears of a Catholic in the Presidency." One individual called the Vatican "dictatorial, savage[,] ... reactionary ... [and] brutal in its lust for power." Others feared that clerical pressures would determine Kennedy's political decisions. One colleague declared that "Irish priests" would manipulate a Catholic president "as if he were their toy." A Catholic at Michener's table characterized her church as antidemocratic and incompatible with church-state separation and religious liberty. According to Michener, these individuals claimed to know many other ideological liberals who mistrusted Catholic presidential candidates.(1)
My, my, my. Ant-Catholic Liberals oppose a Catholic for high office. Including a self-hating Catholic. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Judge Roberts' assistance to the plaintiffs in the Romer case concerned me. I wondered if he truly held to Originalist interpretation, as in intepreting the constitution through the prism of the principles espoused by the Founders. However, all this hand-wringing by pro-abort Reasonable political elites, such as Mr. Mario "I'm personally opposed..., but..." Cuomo, perhaps I've been too harsh. Perhaps this foaming at the mouth indicates that Judge Roberts respects the law far too much to push the Agenda through specious rulings based on empty precedents. Indeed, maybe the LA Times and NY Times, in attempting to help the Democrats out of the logjam they'd gotten themselves into, simply tried a trojan Horse. Slip a juicy morsel witheld by the Administration, stir up some trouble with all those gay-bashing, bible-thumping Fools. Well, this Fool may have the last laugh at these Reasonable manipulators.

On a side note: If you, MSM, would like to do the country a service, then stop being a free P.R. firm for the political party in which many of your members belong. Start covering the people and issues that concern the nation. And keep your opinions off the Front Page. That's what an Op/Ed page is for! While your at it, consider that maybe other people disagree with you because they have a perfectly valid yet different worldview than your own. In other words, you sit on the bowl and it stinks after, just like everybody else!

As for the Reasonables like Mr. Cuomo, get a grip. You're beginning to bore me. The only thing worse for your cause than a laughing Fool is a yawning one. You're not fooling anybody but yourselves!

Mr. Cuomo, you might want to put the Kool-aid down now. You're shirt is all red.