Monday, August 22, 2005

Deutsche Welle Readers on Pope Benedict XVI and Roman Catholicism

Get it here!

Not surprising, the German readers sounded the most Reasonable. The rest sounded as Foolish as anything I've heard in a long time. Excellent! The world needs more Foolish laughter at the inane slobberings of our more Reasonable bretherin. Here's an example of what we all need to laugh at a lot more:
There should be no official involvement by the Pope in German politics (or anywhere else) as head of the Catholic Church. The detrimental consequences of such behavior are amply documented in history. The Pope should limit himself to his role as spiritual and moral leader of his Church. The separation of Church and State are still not adequately advanced far enough in Germany as it is -- e.g. religious instructions in public schools and tax support for the churches. -- Karl-Heinz Schroeder, US
Well, whether German or American, Mr. Schroeder sounds as muddled as any Reasonable pontificator I've heard. Why is it every time I hear these commentors say things like "spiritual" and "moral" and "his Church", I get the feeling I'm being pushed off the stage? The Reasonable have absolutized their nominalism; Spirituality, religion and morality are merely people's opinions, or subjective attachments. Therefore, they have no place in public discourse according to the Reasonable. So, what should have a place there? "Human rights"? "Separation of Church and State"? How are these concepts divorced from morality? Oh, wait. That's right, I forgot. I can't consider unsanctioned morality; like the kind that calls abortion murder. My bad!

Thankfully, more refreshing Foolishness carried the day. Like this:
We hear the anti-Catholic message all the time, trying to persuade us that homosexual activity, abortion, use of contraceptives, etc, should be encouraged and celebrated. Young people have a right to hear what the Church really teaches, and -- as their support for Benedict XVI and for John Paul II shows -- they do want to hear this message and they recognize it as true and as honoring human dignity. The media should learn that ferreting out spokesmen for lobby groups claiming to speak for the Church but in reality merely promoting the usual old anti-Church messages, is dishonest. Let the Church speak so that we can listen. -- Joanna Bogle
Amen, sister! Preach it! Bring the world a thousand-thousand Fools like this, please! Let's make this world a Ship of Fools before it's too late!