Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Insight Scoop on "Planned Parenthood Uber Alles"

Insight Scoop has updates on Dawn Edens breaking story regarding Planned Parenthood Golden Gate.

What a surprise! The pro-aborts are running for cover!
UPDATE 2: The video reappeared for a moment on the PPGG website... then vanished again! Guess they didn't like people looking for it elsewhere and thereby possibly finding Dawn Eden's excellent report on the CEO of PPGG, Dian J Harrison. Do check out Dawn Eden's report...

UPDATE: The video is gone from the PPGG website. For a detailed description of the video look here: The Dawn Patrol . At Dawn's site there is a link to a site that has the video available for download. (Good work, Dawn! There is a LOT of good information there.)
Funny, they're so quick to peddle the darkness to the kids via the 'Net. But the second the light shines on them, they cut and run! If they believe in their principles so much, why don't they stand and defend them?

How spineless. How manipulative. How utterly Reasonable.