Holy Fool
"One might well become a holy fool oneself here! It's catching!"--Raskolnikov, from Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Witness the musings of another Holy Fool, another follower of "God's own Fool."
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Previous Posts
- Follow the Lamb: Rediscovering the Biblical Story ...
- "Will Catholics be Fooled Again?" asks Paul A. Gre...
- The Realization of Reasonable dreams
- "God vs. Darwin: no contest" says The Boston Globe
- BBC NEWS | Magazine | A Point of View
- "You are the One, Neo."
- Dogwalk
- Parents' Vacation!
- The Mighty Barrister presents the logical Professo...
- Our tax dollars at work! Again!
About Me
- Name: A Holy Fool
- Location: United States
I'm a humble Catholic revert and a proud American. But that's not what you really want to know, is it? You want to know about the Holy Fool thing, right? Well, while a certain mystique is good, I can say this: My wife calls me one all the time. It describes in a word the heart of my vocation. For today's fashion of reason suggests that God does not exist or does not matter. Whether by conscious principle or unconscious practice, many elites in society live such a belief in nothing publicly and consider themselves reasonable. That means living the Faith makes one a Fool. Then call me a Holy Fool! Would that I could spread my Foolishness to all the world! With your help, we will!
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