Friday, August 26, 2005

Never Let Reality Get in the Way of the Agenda!

Senate Still Poised to Vote on Embryonic Stem Cell Research Funding, according to Lifesite.

The Reasonable have spoken. Progress on ASCR is irrelevent. It's not about curing disease or saving lives. It's about promoting the Agenda. It's about the ka-ching! for the ICF and pro-abortion industry. It's about statism for social engineering. This is what matters. How else can a Fool explain this?
Despite continued successes using adult stem cells and new researching showing embryonic-like stem cells can be obtained without destroying human life, the U.S. Senate is still planning a September vote on overturning President Bush's limits on using taxpayer funds for embryonic stem cell research.

The House has already approved a bill that would overturn the limits and supporters of the Senate version say they have enough votes to pass it there. They may have enough support to override a veto the president has threatened, but the House is nowhere close to being able to override it.

That, and the new research, has prompted some pro-life lawmakers to ask Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who recently flip-flopped on the issue to support federal funding, to put off the vote.

"We should not rush this debate," Sen. Sam Brownback, a Kansas Republican, told the Associated Press. "If we do not rush to kill innocent human life, we will find ethical, moral ways of solving this issue."

But Sen. Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat who is one of the co-sponsors of the bill to overturn Bush's limits, says the new research is not enough to dispense with his bill.

"We are right where we always were," Harkin said.
That's because the new research does nothing to protect the sacred rites to Moloch. It doesn't gurantee the free pursuit of the One Thing that Matters. Foolishness, like the belief that embryos are human beings--even if embryology establishes this, can't be allowed to interfere! Only the Agenda matters.

We fools need to laugh louder. Then, we need to get the phone calls and emails going. Most important of all, we better get off our rumps and evangelize! Onle a culture of Life will support ASCR with the kind of consistency that saves lives. Time to get moving!