Monday, August 08, 2005

Our tax dollars at work! Again!

With a hat tip to Catholics in the Public Square, I offer The Dawn Patrol's exclusive on Planned Parenthood's latest outrageousness. Behold the ugly truth for yourself:
The title character is Dian, a woman whose mission appears to include overseeing Planned Parenthood's domination of all world media. Here, she's pleased to see that a newstand owner got the memo.

OK, I'm embellishing a bit—Dian's simply happy to see that Planned Parenthood's "Safe Is Sexy" message just happens to be everywhere.

Dian morphs into Dianysis (how unapologetic can you get?). Her first mission is to break up a Snidely Whiplash type's attempt to push abstinence on kids.

Dianysis drowns the villain in a trash can that she's filled with "AQUA SLIDE"—apparently a pun on Astroglide, a lubricant Planned Parenthood recommends to 13-year-olds wishing to have anal sex—and tosses the kids a "SAFE SEX KIT" to remember her by.

Maybe Dianysis didn't really murder the abstinence guy. Maybe she took him out of the can before he drowned. We could give her the benefit of the doubt. But there's no question of the outcome of her antics at her next stop...
Check out the whole thing.

And the best part helped pay for it. So did I. So did every Federal taxpayer. For guess how much of the PPGG's operating budget comes from Government subsidies? 53%.

Perhaps that's why they and their pro-abort Reasonable allies like NARAL are foaming in the mouth about the Bush Administration in general and his nomination of Judge Roberts in particular. Good. Why?

"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning...Smelled like... victory."

The more the Reasonable foam, the more spittle they leave on the rug. You know how people get about spittle. Pretty soon, they'll notice. Then they'll put boot-to-a** and kick the mangy cur responsible out the door. They're losing the young. That means their time is short. They know it; they can't stop it. So they only do what they can. Screech.

As disgusting and disturbing as this cartoon is, as much as the leadership responsible for it should be condemned, as much as they should refund the tax-payers every dime they received from them, this stunt remains a screech.

Our response, as Fools, is to tell everyone around how drenched the rug is getting from all that foam. Dawn Eden did her part. What's ours? Yeah, you guessed it.

Pass it on.