Friday, September 16, 2005

Catholic Fire offers A Pro-life Meditation...

...Right here!

Witness Foolishness as beautiful as it is true:
Those who seek the pleasures of this world and teach that happiness can only be found in hedonistic pleasures will only find heartbreak and misery. Those who tell these lies will suffer greatly -- both in this life and the next. The abortionist who kills the child for profit and says he is doing so out of compassion for the mother, the person who sodomizes for his own perverse pleasure and tells others it is "love", and the spouse who kills the one he promised to protect, to love, and cherish for all of their days, but says he loves his wife and is doing it for her own good all have one thing in common -- they are all liars. They are all products of the culture of death. They lie and begin to believe their lies. The evil one confuses them and it is soon difficult for them to discern the truth. They quickly lose their morals. Like a cancer, the deception spreads and begins to control their actions.
Let us pray for those who cling to these lies -- that the Lord will remove the scales from their eyes that they may clearly gaze upon His face and find the truth there and that He will open their ears to His truth found in the Scriptures.
When we can't handle mercy, we'll handle anything that we think looks like it. We desperately crave what we run away from the most. Let's drop the stone of harsh judgement of persons and offer them the Lord's embrace instead. We do not condone others' sins: we forgive them.

Blinded by the darkness that leaves them in possession of only illusions, those seduced by evil resist the Truth. They can't bear to part with the "compassion" from which they've drawn such phantasmic consolation. They put their trust in these Reasonable conclusions and live the ideal of the Absolute Individual until they're utterly alone. May God have mercy on all trapped in the cold embrace of Nothing. May we Fools bear the light we have received to them. They need our witness, whether they admit it or not.