Saturday, September 03, 2005

open book on "What to do"

Amy Welborn has excellent suggestions about how else people can help here.:
It is a given that what most relief agencies want and need right now is money. Anyone who has ever worked in relief can tell you stories about the oddly inappropriate material donations they have received, and what a hassle dealing with stuff, rather than money can be. So, yes, that is the first priority, particularly since needs change so fast, people are moving all over the place, and cash can be built up for the very tough, long-term road ahead.

You guys don't need me to direct you to charities, but in case you want a handy list: The FEMA-approved list, and here's the Katrina Help Wiki. Michelle Malkin has a post on what's happening in Texas as well as many others highlighting the creative ways people are trying to help.

Smaller charities that might be of particular interest to our Catholic readers are:

The Catholic Extension Society, which, for years, has been one of my favorite charities, since I once lived in a parish that was a beneficiary of the Society's help. In case you don't know, CES is dedicated to help small, struggling Catholic parishes, particularly in rural areas and areas where Catholics are a minority.

Food for the Poor, another one of our favorite agencies around these parts has gotten busy right away:

Food For The Poor, the foremost international relief agency working in the Caribbean and Central America today, has over 50 tractor-trailer loads of emergency relief supplies enroute to the hardest hit areas of Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, and plans to send an additional 150 containers. The containers consist of food, bottled water, juices, cleaning supplies, blankets, hygiene kits, clothing and building supplies. The supplies are being sent initially to 12 disaster distribution locations set up by Food For The Poor together with some of our church partners, to assist the dioceses and churches in the affected areas.
Check it out! Also, here's the latest update from TTLB Katrina Relief:
$ 645,481 in contributions so far

1,616 blogs participating

207 charities recommended
Keep up the great work!