Thursday, October 06, 2005

Behold the Foolable!

Tony Miller of Catholic Pillow Fight finds a riveting example of a Foolable organization. In the springtime of the new evangelization, they bring the winter of their discontent to the nearest microphone or keyboard. Tony has some of their Foolable ridiculousness on display, along with his own feather-filled commentary:
On their home page, the first paragraph states:

The international movement We are Church, founded in Rome in 1996, is committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church on the basis of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it. [Emphesis, mine --Tony]

Well now, the elusive "spirit of Vatican II". I've read many of these documents, and I have yet to trip over this spirit. I have seen the results of the "spirit of Vatican II" some of which include:

* Bare, sterile "worship spaces" instead if Catholic churches.
* Removal of the Crucifix from a place of prominence.
* The relegation of the God of the universe in the flesh in His tabernacle to some back room or side closet.
* Replacing music like "How Great Thou Art" with music like "Sing a New Church which says: "How great we art".
* The attempt to water down the truth of Jesus Christ to make it more palatable to Protestants in the name of ecumenism

Convinced of their own righteousness, and determined to see the Church "modernize" and "get with the times," Foolables such as We are Church carry water for Reasonable Elites that see no point of any Church, modern or otherwise. Their emphasis on life this side of heaven betrays a subtle materialism that just can't quite take the Spiritual seriously. In fact, they might even argue that matters of the Spirit belong exclusively in the realm of the subjective: only facts verifiable by empirical evidence may be admitted to the realm of the objective.

Well, their pontifications give Fools more than enough to laugh about. They carry on like mice screaming through megaphones. Meanwhile, Fools hear their Sheperd call and rise from their laughter to answer. Our sheperd's servant, Pope Benedict XVI, calls all of us to witness Christ and his gospel in our lives. Let us learn from these Foolables how not to do that!