A Loretta High School Student Stands Up and Speaks Out!
Hat tip to Rick Lugari of De Civitate Dei for the link.
Katelyn Stills of Stand Up and Speak Out opines on the dismissal of Marie Bain. She courageously witnesses to the Truth, even as commentors seek to obfuscate her stand:
While I am thankful for Bishop Weigand's actions, I am confused about my own school's position. All of the students, including myself, received a letter from our school administration about this matter during the last few minutes of school on Friday. There was a mixed reaction from my classmates. Some thought that dismissing this teacher was completely understandable, but others thought that the whole affair was "stupid." Still others could not figure out what Planned Parenthood had to do with abortion. I am writing to clarify some of these misunderstandings and to share my own opinion.The Foolables that line up to carry their Reasonable masters' water will not shout down the Truth. Ideas and actions have consequences. Those Loretto students that may have placed their trust in Ms. Bain could one day have faced the horror of abortion. They would then discover, too late, that their beloved teacher led them to total disintegration and a lifetime of regret. Exactly how would such action witness the Gospel? Why should parents subsidize--and the Catholic Church sponser--an institution that would permit this greviously scandalous teacher to carry on?
Planned Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in our country, greatly contributing to the 4,000 abortion deaths that occur each day. I have been at Planned Parenthood to pray and I know how the escorts act. If someone considering abortion genuinely wants to talk to a pro-lifer, the escorts turn on loud music and stand right between the "client" and the pro-lifer. Obviously, these volunteer escorts don't truly care about "choice." If they did, they would not be so opposed to people and churches offering jobs, homes, medical care, adoption services, and anything else that a pregnant woman might need. They are definitely not there to be a "friendly face and address their [the women's] concerns", but only aggressively encourage women to have abortions.
The article talks about Ms. Bain's letter in opposition to Prop 73, where she states, "Like it or not, teens get pregnant, and the most important issue is keeping them safe. Safe means access to reliable health care, not gut-wrenching red tape." A person that thinks that parents should not be notified about their minor daughter having an abortion and who volunteers at abortion clinics on days when the killing occurs is probably not the best candidate for a position at an all-girls Catholic high school.
The Sheperd of Sacramento made the right call. God bless Ms. Stills and her generation of disciples for seeing the wisdom of their Bishop's decision.
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