Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Shepherd v. the Wolves

The Pope has a problem with the rhetoric of genocide. Were he not the only one! Perhaps I've been in my coccoon too long lately, but I've hear no other State condemn Iran's obscene statements regarding Israel.

Catholic World News has the story here.
The Vatican has denounced as "unacceptable" a statement by Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadeinejad, who had called for the destruction of the state of Israel.

Although he did not mention the Iranian leader by name, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the director of the Vatican press office, condemned "certain statements, particularly serious and unacceptable, in which the right to the existence of the state of Israel was denied."

The Vatican spokesman said that Israelis and Palestinians alike have the right to "peace and security in their own sovereign states."
The civilized world has tolerated genocide for far too long. Bosnia, Rewanda, Darfur: Iran will not have the opportunity to instigate another Shoa on Israeli soil. If the Vatican is the only state that will speak truth to power, then so be it.

The Reasonable internationalists that find convincing moral equivalencies between bulldozers and bombs (and between condomns and creamatories) may see nothing wrong with Iran's outrageous rhetoric. They condemn themselves as the irrelevent moral failures they've become. The Civilized World must stand up and cry out in one voice, "No More!"

We, the Fools of the earth, will no longer tolerate the indiscriminate talk of genocide. We refuse to condone the discussion of sins that cry out to Heaven. We condemn the descecration of decency that such rhetoric embodies. Enough is enough.

Iran may desperately try to divide the growing coalition of the democratic willing in the middle east. They may agitate the Palestinians to commit yet another self-destructive intefada. The ensuing chaos would provide diplomatic and political cover for their continued investment in the terrorism business. Never mind the pointless death and ruins of countless Palestinians and Israelis: as long as the Iranian Mullahs continue their Islamo-fascist reign or terror, it's all to the good! To that, Fools say again: Enough is enough.