Tuesday, May 31, 2005

From eucatastrophe: Civil unions dismiss fatherhood

An insightful perspective close to home, right here

I've seen the kids in school that don't live with their fathers. More often then not, I see them in the Discipline office. They're responsible for a greater percentage of my classroom management problems. Their mothers have a harder time controlling them. I once witnessed the mother of a student facing serious discipline complain that she couldn't get her son in the house. "I talk to him, but he doesn't listen to me."

Can you guess where the Father was? I thought so.

If we pretend that Family is just another set of socially-contructed relationships based on traditional patriarchy--and that they can be re-constructed in more "equitable" ways--then we miss the seed of Revelation that they contain. Families truly are a Domestic Church, and when a mother and father, united in marriage, raise children, God is present in a unique way through their union. This can't simply be raised up from the roots by women in a lesbian relationship, men in a homosexual relationship and even a cohabitation of a man and woman. It comes from the matrimony of man and woman in Christ.