Tuesday, May 24, 2005

From "Inside Higher Ed ": A "Disposition for Bias"

KC Johnson looks at the implications

His view in brief? The lunatics are running the asylum. Those that would be teachers must prove their bona fides to the new insanity. The one-sided politics of education educators has become the standard for acceptable practice and core of instruction.

I can tell you from experience that such an approach will hurt kids. They don't need advocates for social justice in the classroom. They need professionals that can teach them the content and skills that allow them to think for themselves.

A commentator to this story summarizes what kids need below, and how current teacher education programs are failing kids in this regard:

It was rare to find an ed school that even mentioned effective teaching in passing. Or skill at analyzing curricula. Or skill at designing instruction. Or knowledge of the preponderance of research, or even a hint that reading the research might be a good idea.
(emphasis mine)

For a similar perspective on a broader range of this trend, FrontpageMag has an interview with Professor Stanley Rothman.