Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Reasonable Left: caught in the Kool-aid.

It's an amazing truth. The more reasonable they urge Fools like us to be, the more irrational and unhinged they become.

Exhibit A:

FrontPage :: The Left's "Dominionist" Demons by Don Feder

OK, so when do the black helicopters arrive? Oh, it's almost that time! As an aspiring Holy Fool, I'll need to use my secret Davidian protocol to decipher my orders. I'm due to infiltrate some secular institution soon. All the better to engage in the Christian Reconstruction that we Dominionists do. For, of course, all Holy Fools are Christian reconstructionists. Right?

It would help if I even knew what these terms meant. Wikipedia defines Domininism here and Christian reconstructionism here.

Excuse me while I laugh myself out of my chair!

Exibit B: A honest opinion from a Denver Post Columnist.

Money Quote:

" My initial reflex has been to pile on Dobson, with whom I disagree on social issues. After reading his words, however, I discovered not a single sentence that promotes a theocracy.

Instead, what I found out was that progressives believe separation of church and state means that anyone involved in religion should avoid involvement in politics.

(Thankfully these forces weren't around when 'religious nuts' like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the abolitionists of the North were.)

Or is it only conservative Christians that need to shut up?"

This is coming from a self-professed agnostic, who would be especially wary of theocracy.

If those reasonable souls on the Secular Left want to have any hope at addressing political discourse like adults, they may have to stop shouting like vampires clutching a Cross. If they have nothing but the best interests of the nation--Christians included--then they have nothing to fear from Fools.

Oh. Right. Christians aren't part of the New American Order.

Imagine that.

Hat tip to Loose Cannon.