Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mark Shea reviews a "liberal" catholic version of That '70s Show

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

If you listen really carefully, you'll hear the reasonable complain. Listen:

Can you imagine? He actually believes this stuff about Catholicism being handed down from Christ through Apostles.

Yes, what a neanderthal. Doesn't he realize how important it is for the Catholic Church to modernize? It's losing its appeal to the young.

Yeah, I mean everyone knows those kids just wanted to be on TV. American Catholics don't even listen to the Pope on contraception.

He should read Vatican II. I'm sure he's missed the passages that describes the Church as the people of God. We can't be a top-down institution anymore.

Yeah. Power to the people, man.

Cool. Groove on.

Hey! Wake up! I know, I know. The reasonable, again. Tedious. Oblivious. Seemingly unaware that a pop culture that celebrates sex as the ultimate sacrament, and worships abortion and birth control as the greatest vessals for continued enjoyment of the One True Sacrament of Sex (TM), may not have the best things to teach Catholicism. In fact, Vatican II did not call on the Church to learn from the Modern Era. It called on the Church--priest and laity--to listen carefully to the world as it is in the modern era. This is so that the Gospal may be more effectively preached to the world. This is to more truthfully live as witness to Christ, prefiguring Communion with him both at the altar and at the office.

Mark Shea, Fool that he is, once again shows the wisdom in witnessing to the Foolishness of God. It's so beyond the wisdom of men. Particularly the reasonable that can't live beyond the '70s