Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ecumenicism is here to stay.

Christian Unity continues to emerge as a principle theme of Pope Benedict XVI's ministry. According to Catholic World News : Ecumenical effort is "irreversible," Pope says

He said this while meeting with the secretary-general of the World Council of Churches on June 16th. Here's more:

The Holy Father recalled that relations between the Catholic Church and the WCC developed significantly during the Second Vatican Council, with 2 WCC observers attending all four sessions of the Council. That development led, in 1965, to the formation of the joint working group, designed to promote "contact" and "cooperation" between the Catholic Church and the WCC. The Ponitff that that he is "eager to continue" that cooperation.

Pope Benedict noted that from the start of his pontificate, he has proclaimed that his "primary task is the duty to work tirelessly to rebuild the full and visible unity of all Christ's followers." That unity, he continued, would require "concrete gestures," and would also entail "that inner conversion that is the prerequisite for all ecumenical progress."

The scandal that is a divided body of Christ must come to an end. Pope Benedict XVI continues the inspirational work of John Paul the Great in pursuing the unity all Christians need. Many have concerns that the desire for unity may lead to a watering down of legitimate theological and pastoral differences that various mainline protestant denominations and the Catholic Church have between them. I do not share these concerns. Pope Benedict XVI knows all too well that unity must extend from honesty. Such honesty must address whatever differences exist between communions. There can be no true unity without honor being given to the truth, for Christ is the truth. I highly doubt that this pope will in any way compromise the faith in order to achieve some measure of unity.

Immense good will come from a united Christianity. May the Holy Father's work continue to bear good fruit.