Saturday, June 11, 2005

Frank Tassone and Flame Ministries International - Catholic Charismatic Renewal?

Guess that means I'm an evangelist down under!

My bride googled my name. This interesting site came up. Apparently, FMI is "Canonically Constituted as 'An Association of Christ's Faithful', Canon 301 & 300, [thus] entitled to use the name 'Catholic'. Have been since 1996.

They're fired up and Faithful. Ed Russel speaks directly about authentic Christian meditation:

He described Infused Contemplation as a direct act of God by grace whereby we become one with Him in Spirit and Truth. "This is when God infuses by the Divine Principle - the oneness and the union we are seeking with him, where we are as God is." He spoke about St. John of the Cross who taught about, "A power of thought that thinks no more, transcending far all human lore."

Eddie explained that when a person is in the state of Divine Union they understand that God doesn't think. - "God knows - He doesn't need to think. - So when we are in that state of contemplation, all thinking ceases because we now think as God thinks, and that's why St. John of the Cross could talk about a power of thought that thinks no more." He said this didn't mean that we stop our thinking process by emptying the mind - the mind is still active but not needed in the same way as not using our legs when we're sitting down, "They are still there and fully functional, but not being used. And so it is the same here - our mind is still functioning, but it is not needed in this union and so there is no need to empty it."

If the reasonable knew what we Fools know, they would become Fools so quickly it would make their heads spin! Imagine: God, the ever-living Eternal One, from whom all creation came to be, willed us into existence because He loves us! He loves us so much that he has sent his Son Jesus Christ, his very Word, into our midst to suffer and die so that through him we coul d become one with God! He loves us so much that he sends forth his Spirit, that through him we remain one in God, as a part of each other in a mystical union that can only be called His Body, the Church! Through his Church, we have every grace and blessing available to us! The Word of God in Scripture and Tradition make clear his promises to us. They nourish us with the grace of his presence and help form us into the people we are born to become--the very people God willed us into being out of Love!

Who could resist this? Who would want to? Who would ever want to stand apart from such a reality? The Reasonable do not understand. Fools like Flame Ministries International answer the call and proclaim the One from whom all came and to whom all will go. They bear the truth to the reasonable, the foolable and the fool. May God continue to pour out his spirit upon them, that they receive the courage, love and consolation to continue to work in the fields. For the harvest is upon us, and where are the workers? Wherever His love calls out and is answered!