Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Stem Cell Extremist asks: Are you a stem cell extremist too?

Jordan over at Contemplating the Laundry found The Stem Cell Extremist asking this question. The Extremist has a point: you may be a stem cell extremist as well:

First and most importantly, we believe that life begins at conception. At that moment a unique and irreplaceable human being comes into existence. Though it is much smaller than the period at the end of this sentence, it contains within itself the capacity for all the qualities that we deem valuable in the human person. Nothing need be added to that life, it only needs to be given the time to grow.

Secondly, we believe that we have a moral obligation to alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters. We are obligated to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit the imprisoned by virtue of our shared humanity; however, as noble and necessary as those ends are they do not justify the use of any means. The destruction of human life, even for the purpose of saving human life, is a grave injustice.

He looks like another Fool. So what are you waiting for, already? Go visit him, then blogroll him! The more Fools, the merrier we all are!

Besides, he as sidebar stuff. I love sidebar stuff. Don't you?