Saturday, June 25, 2005

Typically Reasonable

That's what we get here.


W. The President...give me a fricking break on the stem cells already.

Yeah! We don't need no interference. We can play God without you're ninnying!

The government needs to fund Science because it could lead to important breakthrough in the fighting of certain diseases.

So what if there's no reasonable evidence that cures are coming. It's science, damn it! Never stand in the way of progress toward our absolute self worship the great era of science-based paradise!

I believe there could be many uses for these cells and that it is important to help people who are currently suffering from chronic pain and disability.

Never mind the latest news about Adult Stem Cell Research! Never mind that it's easier to be one of Lenin's "useful idiots" and carry the talking points for the multi-million dollar abortion industry as it looks to diversify--at the taxpayer's expense!

The President says by doing this we are destroying life!

Maybe that's because we are?

However, the Scientists only use cells that were previously going to be trashed.

Oh, well, in that case, let's just empty the streets of homeless orphans and dump them in the labratory. They just got thrown away, so why let them go to waste? Think of the diseases that could be cured!

So, what is he really saving a few embryos that are going into the incinerator one day.

Haven't you ever heard the expression, "two wrongs don't make a right?" How about we stop procedures that lead to stockpiles of frozen embryos? How about that? Oh, that's right, human life deserves protection whenever the Reasonable say it does. Since embryos can't vote and don't buy stuff, might as well put them to some use, right? Besides, if an embryo's right not to be cut open on a petri dish gains traction among those unwashed masses like those Fools want, then the worship of Moloch that helps assure the One Thing that Matters might be jeopardized. Can't have that, now!

When ideology trumps truth, when impassioned beliefs ignore contradictory facts, when Reason itself is subverted to rhetoric, then people pass through the looking glass. Good is bad. Bad is better. Meaning means nothing. Better to be a Fool and hold onto the the Truth that may be ignored but isn't going anywhere. Unfortunately, Mr. Harral would rather be Reasonable. Thus, like all the others, he remains lost. Meanwhile, the cries for more innocent children rise up, as suffering is contrasted with murder, as though the former could ever justify the latter. All while the morally acceptable ASCR--supported by most private investments--offers to deliver on the bold promise that the Moloch-worshippers claim ESCR will fulfill.

Thank God that the death gasps of Hell will not have the last word on life! Thank God that the gates of Hell shudder and strain as the Captain drives the Ark forward. "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." Eventually, Truth and Love triumph. The suffering Fools endure is nothing compared to the recompense that awaits them. Hold fast, Fools. Hold Fast!