Friday, June 24, 2005

Holy Fool gets tagged!

another meme! Shades of Gray (Umbrae Canarum)passes this on to me!:

"Okay, new meme: what are your top three songs to listen to whilst running? And if you have the server space, will you post one or all of them for the rest of us to download? (If running is not your preferred method of exercise -- which more or less guarantees your intelligence -- well, songs that you would listen to are just fine.)"

So, music I enjoy listening to, eh? I KNOW you don't want to hear about my sporadic and limited running experience. 'nuff said. Well, here are the songs that most frequently make it to my imitation portable CD player. (Man, I am so 90s! I've got to go digital and just get that d_mn MP3 player already!)

1. "The Hunter" by Dido. Cool melody, soothing voice, and some good rising and falling moments.
2. "Gabriel" by Lamb. Haunting voice. Love that progressively intense rhythm as the song rises to climax.
3. "That's the Living" by James. I don't know. It's got these quirky, deviant lyrics and a catchy riff.

Of course, if this meme had called for albums, then that would be:
1. Soundtrack for "The Passion of the Christ"
2. "Brothers" by Michael Card and John Michael Talbot
3. "Jars of Clay" by Jars of Clay

Now, victims, victims, victims...ah! Contemplating the Laundry, Northwestern Winds, and Clarity's Place

Tag, you're it!