Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What a Foolish Column!

I admit it. I'm surprised. When I saw SF Gate in my mailbox, I thought, "Can anything good come out of San Fransisco". Well, I found out the answer to this profound question. Yes! Something can! Something did: this! Now, I have only one other question:

What's it doing here in MSM?

Cinnamon Stiller provides as cogent an analysis of the current state of stem-cell affairs as I have seen. She observes the absurdities that have replaced serious ethical debate on the issue. She points out the howling of those Reasonable that want to use the issue to institutionalize their transhuman ideology. Once again, humanity hears a certain voice whisper, "you can be like Gods!" All of a sudden, there goes the species dropping bricks into place for their new tower. Only this time, the bricks are the corpses of children not even given the dignity of growing to Fetus development. She points out the sickening realization that we are about to Huxley's prophecy...and considering going even further than he feared:

One needn't be antiscience or even opposed to reproductive science in general to urge caution in pursuit of embryonic stem cell research, for science, above all else, can have dangerous consequences. As we advance our scientific knowledge, we owe it to ourselves as human beings not to rush over the precipice. Just because we can do it, does that mean we should? Proponents claim that embryonic stem cell research will not result in reproductive cloning, but if we continue down our current path, it's inevitable. Shouldn't we take responsibility for that future before it comes to pass?

Such is the unquestioning belief in science that supporters of embryonic stem cell research have managed to convince themselves that creating stables of embryos for spare parts is palatable. At this point, the research involves only embryonic stem cells and termination of embryos is slated for 14 days, after which uncomfortable questions about viability arise. But how much longer will it be before embryos are grown to completion and baby banks provide organs, limbs or even brains? The commodification of human life will then be inescapable.

The Mantra of consumerism and self-centeredness at the heart of today's Reasonable worship of Nothing and self--making the two effectively equivelent, now drives the Reasonable to institutionalize moloch worship to a level unimaginable by our Grandparents. Ms. Stiller sets the spotlight to it in a beautiful way. I only wish the Reasonable pushers of this disgratzia would scurry away to the shadows like the roaches they seem so intent on imitating. When adult stem-cell research may hold more promise to cure diseases and help suffering children goes ignored, I can only shake my head. When those ignoring it scream for federal dollars to support the killing of already frozen children, so that they're not "thrown away", when no promising leads for medical treatment have come from such "research", I shudder with such rage. How can I not throw up on my monitor.

Oh, how blind they are! And they call us Fools! How utterly lost they've become, that the gift of life and children should become just another type of stuff for people to experiment upon like a chemistry set! The Fool must weep! Then, dry those tears and act. Act! ACT!