Of Jews and Christians: CS Monitor on "Two faiths strive to see eye to eye"
Israel is the cornerstone of new trouble between them.
Specifically, Presbyterian Church USA's call for devestment from Israel is the problem between Jewish supporters of Israel and the Presbyterian's concern for the "occupation."
The long and tragically complicated Cain and Abel story of Jews and Christians provides the backdrop for the latest contraversy:
Although mainline Christians have always supported Israel, they have become more vocal of late about the consequences of the occupation on Palestinians' lives.
Christians did more than speak out on the issue last summer, when the national convention of the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted to begin a process of phased, selective divestment from companies that profit from the occupation. The plan is to exert pressure and talk with companies before deciding whether to withdraw investments.
"We recognize there are at least two narratives to the story, and we need to look at the other's story from their perspective."
- The Rev. Shanta Premawardhana, National Council of Churches
The decision outraged many Jews, who called the step anti-Israel and even anti-Semitic.
Although CS Monitor gives the store away with too much reliance on argumentative interpretations such as this:
The profound challenge for this dialogue is that it happens within a context of differing narratives and emotion-laden history, including centuries of Christian teaching of contempt for Jews as Christ-killers, of pogroms, boycotts, and the Holocaust.
And totally misconstrued ideas like this:
The Catholic Church renounced its past teaching and entered the difficult path of reconciliation.
Overall, it offers a sober analysis of the ongoing struggle for understanding that various Christian denominations and Israel-supporting Jews have. It's worth the read.
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