Monday, August 22, 2005

Coalition for Darfur says Be A Witness Ad Rejected

Eugene Oregon has the story here.

The painful highlight:
A few weeks ago we asked you to help support our campaign and put our ad on television. The ads were to begin airing tomorrow on the Washington, DC affiliates of all six networks – ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC – that are the focus of our campaign.

Now, we have just learned that two of the stations, NBC-4 and CBS-9, rejected our TV ad. These networks are devoting endless hours to cover Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise, and the "Runaway Bride," but they won’t allow us to pay for 30 seconds to challenge them to do a better job covering the Darfur genocide.
Self-serving Networks don't need busy-body e-do-gooders pricking their conscience. They'll tell the rest of us what they think we ought to know, thank you very much! After all we're in the (ka-ching!) information business! We know what the people (ka-ching!) want.

Help Be a Witness combat this travesty! Don't let the MSM networks ignore the genocide in our midst. Enough is enough!