Thursday, October 06, 2005

Islamo-Fascist Blood-Lusters Stare Down NYC's Subway

Yahoo! News has the story here.

The details:
Authorities stepped up security Thursday after receiving what city officials called a credible threat that the New York subway could be the target of a terrorist attack in coming days. But Homeland Security officials in Washington downplayed the threat, saying it was of "doubtful credibility."

Despite the differing takes on the seriousness of the threat, New York officials mobilized police officers to begin looking through commuters' bags, briefcases, baby strollers and luggage.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg called it the most specific terrorist threat officials had received to date. No one in New York had been arrested or detained, he said during a nationally televised news conference alongside Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

"We have never had before a specific threat to our subway system," Bloomberg said, adding that he still felt secure enough to take the subway home Thursday night. "Its importance was enhanced above the normal level by the detail that was available to us from intelligence sources."

A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the threat was "specific to place, time and method," which was a bombing. The official said the information resulted from the arrest of al-Qaida operatives in

But in Washington, Homeland Security Department spokesman Russ Knocke said "the intelligence community has concluded this information to be of doubtful credibility. We shared this information early on with state and local authorities in New York." Knocke did not elaborate.

A counterterror official, who was briefed about the threat by Homeland Security authorities, said the intelligence was considered doubtful because it did not reflect "on-the-ground, detailed" information. Rather, the official, who also insisted on anonymity, said the intelligence was similar to "what can be found on the Internet and a map of New York City."

The law enforcement official in New York said that city officials had known about the threat at least since Monday, but held the information until two or three al-Qaida operatives were arrested in Iraq within the past 24 hours. Once the arrests were made, officials felt they could go public, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

Authorities are concerned, the official said, that there might be al-Qaida operatives in New York City connected to the plot. They have no hard evidence of that, but are investigating.
Nothing like sabre-rattling as Sunnis prepare to participate in the Iraqi constitution referendum. Cynics might note the convenience of this announcement following the firestorm over SCOTUS nominee Harriet Mier. I'm not prepared to be that cynical. Yet.

Islamo-fascists like Al Qaeda would like nothing more than an opportunity to shatter the Bush Administration. With many conservatives up in arms over his choice of Ms. Miers for the High Court, Liberals and Radicals of the Reasonable Left mouth-foaming the anti-war tirade, and evermen throughout the country disapproving of the US policy in Iraq, an Al Qaeda attack on US soil would rob the President of his standing as the "Terror Warrior." If they succeeded in doing this, they would cause such an uproar and backlash from the American people that the government would have no choice but to withdraw from Iraq, and possibly Afghanistan, immediately. At least, that is what they would love to happen.

Here's what I think would happen: we'd wake up. We would remember that mouth-foaming islamo-fascist blood-lusters will murder innocent men, women and children in raise a caliphate on their corpses. We would understand that our culture must draw its nourishment from the One who is Love. We would prepare ourselves to do whatever is necessary to justly defend our nation and way of life through the most just means available to us all. We would live as Americans first.

We had better. Our survival as a nation depends on our willingness to fight for our civilization. If we continue to live as though our personal ideologies trump our obligation as citizens, when we will surrender before we've even begun to fight. Our ancestors demand better from us than that, and our children deserve a better future than that.