Monday, November 07, 2005

The Curt Jester Notes that the Usual Supects are "Marking Money"

Reasonable gay activists continue to play Quixote! The Curt Jester notes their latest insanity. Get the story here:
Minnesota churches will soon see a sign of protest in collection plates.

Gay Catholics and their supporters plan to mark their donations to send a message to let the church know who exactly is giving them their money. Cash

donations will be marked with a pink triangle around the pyramid on the back, while checks will have a notation in the memo field.

“If you want our money, then support us,” says parishioner Tom Degree. “They need to know how much they are receiving from GLBT congregants.”

Degree and others are concerned about several positions the Catholic church has taken recently, such as banning gay priests.
The Jester responds:
My first reaction is shouldn't they be using three dollar bills? Besides if the Church had a problem taking money from sinners we wouldn't need collection baskets. The underlying thing I notice about protests by "Gay Catholics" is that the activism is not in any way Catholic. For example we have rainbow sashes, people receiving Communion and then spitting it out, and now this pink triangle money tactic. So the Church is suppose to abandon 2000 years of both scripture and Apostolic tradition and guidance by the Holy Spirit because somebody marks up money with a felt pen? The use of the triangle is fairly ironic considering that it is also a symbol of the Trinity. Though I guess you are going to substitute your opinion with the Holy Trinity it makes a certain sense. If you are going to say that the Church that Jesus founded has been wrong about something so basic for two-thousand years and has been teaching very severe error, I guess it takes the infamous narcissism of the homosexual culture to do just that. It is no coincidence that many homosexual events include the word pride in them.
Any activists that would so blatently offend Catholic worship does not deserve the descriptor Foolable. They are Reasonable elites play-acting in religious clothing.

Should I extort the Catholic Church with marked money until She no longer condemns Wrath and Lust as Capital sins? After all, I've wrestled with these throughout my life. Why shouldn't my sins be marked as virtues, too?

In fact, why should the Catholic Church condemn anyone's choice? Don't the Fools in charge understand? There is no God: only us! We the ultimate arbiters of our destiny. Therefore, whatever we decide is right. That's the only Reasonable way to live.

Sadly for these activists, the Foolish Catholic Church will gratefully accept their money--marked or otherwise--and continue to preach Christ crucified. Those Episcopals and Presbyters most enspined will witness to revelation and hold fast to Natural law as the answer to What Would Jesus Do. The latest temper-tantrum of the perpetually self-involved will not sway them one iota.

The free pursuit of the One Thing that Matter (2.0) may satisfy Reasonable supporters of sodomy. It does not express Christ's love and movement in the world, as embodied in the life of his Church, in the slightest. No appeal to Mammon will coerce his Church to say that it does.